positive mindset
The Importance Of Keeping A Positive Mindset. Accepting Reality As It Is And Working Towards A Better Future.

We often fear things that are beyond our control. We worry about stuff that is so trivial that it absolutely makes no sense that we allow it to upset our positive mindset. What this does, it brings along immense mental struggles and worries for us, that are extremely unhealthy for our mental well-being.
Have you ever heard the saying “Never worry about things that you have no control over”? This should be our motto, to keep a positive attitude. Above all, we need to develop an internal censor that allows us to say stop, when we go there mentally. Furthermore, the key is living in the moment and accepting reality as it is right now, but still aspire for greatness in our own kind of way.
Life is unfair, we sometimes don’t get what we think we deserve. This can be a source of immense pain and disappointment. One thing not to do is beat ourself up about things like this. 
You should also know that, no matter how bad you think it is for you, there are people out there who have it worse. Gratitude is the key here. We are still alive today to fight for a greater tomorrow. Sometimes our situation/circumstances can make us lose hope in life and the things that we believe in. Please never let yourself go there.
If something happens that upsets our mindset.
Ask yourself. Can I do anything about it? If yes, do something about it and don’t worry.
If the answer is No. Again why worry?

Positive Mindset

Mind Your Own Business / Never Compare Yourself:

It is often difficult minding our own business. It’s even harder doing so in the era of social media, where we consume contents that can directly/indirectly-consciously/unconsciously put us in situations where we get quickly into other peoples business.
This then causes us to start comparing ourselves without really knowing. The best thing you can do for yourself is, mind your  business and remind yourself to remain in your lane.
What do I mean by minding your own business? Meaning you, absolutely being ok and satisfied with your life, as well as believing in you, in what you do, plus everything that makes you whole. 
It is also having a deep understanding that your journey in life is unique to you and should not be compared to /with others.
It is having hope, being happy, trusting in yourself/the process, being kind to yourself and being able to say no to those negative comparisons when they come to mind.
Being in a better headspace is something to be worked on as this will allow you not to fall into any negative feelings. How do you get there? It can be done through mindfulness. Things like meditation, yoga, hiking etc. Making a conscious effort of saying no. Not giving meaning to negative thoughts. Not comparing your achievements with the accomplishment of others. And the most important of all. Noticing the very moments these thoughts and emotions arise.
The truth of the matter is – we only see people from the outside. We never really know what is going on with them on the inside. We can only get a vague idea.
Material wealth/acquisitions should not only be the measure of success for you. This is really an unhealthy way of navigating through life. We are already successful. Because we are healthy, we’re able to wake up everyday to whatever it is that we are doing. Remember this-“Health is wealth”  This should be celebrated with a positive mindset.
Trust in the process, things are happening for each and everyone of us. The pace at which they are happening for us may differ, but they are still happening for us. Define your own success- as I always say “success is relative “ Some people will have it instantly, for some it’s a slow process and for others it may happen later. A positive attitude is attainable.
Don’t beat yourself up by comparison, we are all unique, it will happen when the time is right. 
It is difficult not to compare yourself to others, we know this. Make a conscious effort, find the best way for you to always say to yourself-I am enough and doing great.
Life is great when you mind your own business and live within yourself. You can do this.

Stop The Roller Coaster Of Emotions By Not Giving Too Much Meaning To Negative Thoughts:

There is no need for beating yourself up or putting ourselves down for just no reason. We often do this as humans where we worry about things we have no control of. This is not the best way to live. What we are doing, is being unkind to us and our mental well-being.
Having a roller coaster of emotions is such a bad thing for us. This can really have ramifications of monumental proportions on our whole being. My advice would be to find a way of curbing these emotions.
Say for instance you failed in something that you really wanted to be successful in. Instead of moving on and working harder towards making things better, making the changes or improvements for that to be better next time, you end up crying, blaming yourself etc. Things like this are never of benefit or productive to our lives.
Failure is part of life. It teaches us growth, discipline, perseverance, determination, motivation and everything positive if we use failure as a catalyst for greater things.
Please never wallow in negative emotions of blaming yourself. What this will do is stop us from having a clear headspace to make informed decisions. This may therefore be a hinderance in moving ahead in whatever it is that we are looking to achieve.
Never blame yourself for failing at anything. In life we win some, we lose some. Sometimes we lose to win again.
A lot of the times we forget that there is a silver lining. 
Always have hope and believe. Worrying too much is never a solution. Doing something positive about your situation is the best thing to do.
Breath, the best way to ground yourself. Try allowing yourself to breathe in and out when it’s becoming too much to handle.
Nobody says life is easy, because it isn’t. But we have the power to control, how we deal with ourselves and the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Always say to yourself-I am doing great, life is good, I am alive today. This is a win win for me.
Where you are today is better than where you were yesterday. It will also be greater tomorrow.
A few years ago a relative of mine was dumped, they thought it was the end of them. They did not see any light at the end of the tunnel. Fast forward a few years later, they have a great life and relationship.
The lesson here is – it will happen for you. Be patient, persevere/put yourself in a positive mindset always.
It is a work in progress.

Surround Yourself With Positive People:

Having people around you who have the best interest at heart for you is one of the greatest things to experience.
A lot of people do not have good intentions.  You don’t want the types who are in a friendship with you for what they can get from you.
We do not want people who only want to take and not reciprocate. 
What I am saying here is, a great support group where everyone is there for one another.
Having the best people around you can enhance your state of mind and how you feel about things. Great friends feeds and nourishes the soul in the best way possible.
Having a positive mindset should be worked on. You go to the gym to build muscles /keeping fit. The mind should be worked on for desirable result as well. Which is being at peace with what is plus not giving a lot of meaning to the bad thoughts we may have.
You can also get great support by speaking to a therapist, a counsellor, being open and vulnerable to someone who is there to listen. Someone who is not judgemental, someone who can validate your experience.
Therapy is not accessible to a lot of people because it’s not that cheap. A kind supportive friend, family members or a mentor can help in certain situations.
Please do not under estimate the importance of being at peace with yourself plus accepting your immediate reality. This does not mean you should not aspire for greatness. 
For the sake of sleeping well at night, feeling wonderful and not driving yourself crazy. Accept things the way they are for today. We all have dreams and aspirations. Those dreams/aspirations should not be the death of us.

Live In The Moment And Leave The Past In The Past:

We tend to sometimes dwell in our past in a very negative way. Our past is valid, but should not determine the outcome of today for us.
Looking at your past retrospectively in relation to the good times is actually valid. Doing the opposite of that is unhealthy for our mental well-being. A lot of the time we forget to enjoy life the way it is for us. We forget that we should take the centre stage in our lives and be the captain of our emotions and how we deal with the occurrences in our lives.
Having a negative thought or emotion can not be helped.
They come and go like the clouds in the sky.
What we do have absolute control over, is the way we react to them. Basically, it is the only thing we have control over.
By doing this, we should try to not give a lot of meaning to our thoughts.
Living in the moment is wonderful. You get to not worry about things as much. Not worrying about things does not mean its not there. How you deal with it and the thought you put into it can determine how you feel mentally.
If you wake up happy and sustain the joy that you feel, that will be a happy day.
Life is the way you see it based on your perception. If you yourself perceive life as great, then life is great.
Please try to centre yourself in a headspace where you think about life in a positive light.
Living in the moment, does not mean you are not aspirational. It means you are ok with what today has to offer, but is working for a greater tomorrow.
Life is unfair and in most cases not a level playing field. Some people are fortunate whilst some people are less so.
Your life does not have to end, because you haven’t achieved the success you anticipated.
There is satisfaction in knowing that you’ve put in the work and it has paid off, but when it does not pay off, we should still be able to have a positive mindset, because the best years are ahead.
Be kind to yourself, do not allow yourself go into that rabbit hole of sadness and misery. It is not a good place to be in.
Dream big, don’t allow yourself to suffer when it has not worked for you in the manner in which you are expecting.
One thing for sure is-“Delay is not denial” Leave your past in the past and work towards a greater tomorrow.

Loving What Is / Accept Reality As It Is:

There are a lot of reasons as to why we may be unhappy with our circumstances/life in general. Navigating through life can be an unpleasant experience, if you allow for that to be your reality in your head.
Most of our struggles, how we view our lives, can be based on what we think of ourselves and our situation on a day to day basis. It is never a kind way to be, when you are constantly beating yourself up for things that has not worked for you. Sometimes we also worry about things that we do not have control of.
How do we solve this? How are we going to be kind to our mental well-being? How do we stop these barrage of worries?
The answer to these questions is loving what is and accepting our reality as it is.
This is to be practiced on a daily basis. You have to make a conscious decision to be able to achieve this.
Accept your reality for now, as there is nothing wrong with that. This does not mean you are less aspirational. Love what is, take life as they come and live within a positive mindset in your head.
A lot of the times, we tend not to be satisfied with what we have achieved. This is because of the capitalist society we live in. It tells us that we should be doing this and that at a particular age. You should own this and that.
This is never a healthy way to live. Say to yourself, I am ok with me today. I will get there when the time is right for me.
Have you ever asked yourself this questions. Who said that where you are today is not where you are suppose to be? Do you think you will be happier if you happen to achieve all these things?
The answer to this may be no.
In most cases, if you are not happy now, you may also not be happy, if you have every material wealth and success on the face of the earth.
Work towards your happiness, peace of mind and mental well-being.
Always remember that as long as we have our health, we are a success.
One thing you should never do is lose hope. Continue to strive for the best for you. Do not let this life drive you crazy, because of the expectations of others. Because of what they think you should achieve, who they want you to be and the pressure that you put on yourself.
Life is very sweet when you accept what is and live in your reality.

In Conclusion:

Never forget to congratulate the people in your life if they are doing well. It’s perfectly ok to be happy for people when they are succeeding. What is not ok is you beating yourself up for not being where you think you should be right now.  Life is a process, our journeys are different. Enjoy the process. Create a conducive environment for you to thrive in your own unique kind of way.
Having a positive mindset should be a conscious decision and should be practiced on a day to day basis.
Choose happiness. Tell yourself, I am happy and this is how it’s going to be for me.
It is absolutely important to work towards a positive mindset for our mental well-being and peace of mind.
Never forget- “It’s a work in progress”.
Better things are always ahead. Trust in you and the process, you will get there.

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Finding Your Personal Style


Finding Your Personal Style Requires Continuous Effort, Curiosity, Observation And Being Open Minded.


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